More rooms in the White Palace. As we toured around, three local Iranian women whispered tales of confiscation of thousands of artifacts, antiquities, treasures during the 1979 revolution.
Date: 10/17/2009
Views: 11941
One of the local Iranian tourists said, I veesh my English vas bettah, I could tell you some tales you voodn't beleeeve!!"
Date: 10/17/2009
Views: 10979
On our last night together in Tehran, the tour participants all enjoyed one last "kabab" in a traditional Iranian restaurant located in a courtyard.
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 10399
This was lamb "kabab," always served with saffron-topped rice, roasted tomatoes, a few green herbs, and sliced pickles. The white drink was "duque," a refreshing herbed yogurt drink.
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 10334
The charcoal pit is used for keeping the tea warm, and igniting the qalyan, or water pipes (left.)
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 10988
After dinner, we all came back to the hotel for an "unveiling party" -- off with the headscarves! -- the first time we had ever seen each other with hair!
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 10200
We decided it would be fun to turn the tables on the guys, and let them see what it felt like to be bound by the modesty laws of Islam. (They seem to be enjoying it more than we did!)
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 10623
Finishing up this photo expose in the true Iranian tradition, with a cup of strong, steaming hot, black tea, and a little lolly of rock sugar on the side. "Khoda Hafez!" (Goodbye in Farsi.)
Date: 10/17/2009
Views: 48565