About Me

My life has been a constant metamorphosis of sorts, always morphing into a new stage in a new place.  I have had an incurable case of wanderlust since I was a kid growing up with parents who loved to road trip on a minute’s notice.  I have been blessed to see some amazing places on this beautiful planet, so I decided I would like to have a place to share these experiences.

I am living out my dream as a full time RVing 9 to 5’er, still hanging on to the “golden handcuffs” for a little longer. As a telecommuter, I figured “If I can do my job anywhere, why not do it everywhere?” So I sold my 3 bedroom home along with everything in it that was not nailed down, bought my Winnie View, and hit the road in March, 2013. The nomadic life suits me even more than I had hoped.

I have to ask myself, “Do I really have time to waste writing a blog?” when I could be doing something much more productive like reading romance novels or indulging myself in my latest guilty pleasure like watching “The Bachelorette.”  It was John Lennon who said it best, “Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted.” Fact of the matter is, it is a great hobby for me. It allows me to combine the four things in life I am most passionate about; travel, writing, photography and music, the soundtrack of life.  And it serves the highest purpose of all –pursuit of joy.

This blog is going to serve as an “online scrapbook” of sorts. My life is flying by me at breakneck speed. As l look back on moments that brought me particular joy – a favorite hike, an opera at the Met, a full moon sail on the Hudson, a memorable meal in Malaysia, I realize those memories are fading more and more with each passing year. Therefore, it is my intent to try to capture some of these memories in a more minimalist method than hauling boxes of photos and hand-written journals with me to the grave.

Based on the blog title, you most likely gathered by now that I am a music fan.   I can find a song to fit every occasion.  So it is no doubt that the theme of this blog offers up one of my favorite artists, “Sweet Baby James,” James Taylor.  So please come along and share the song that I sing when I “Take to the Highway.”  If you find one thing of interest or beauty here, then I hope you too don’t consider it “time wasted.”

Time it was and what a time it was, it was
A time of innocence, a time of confidences
Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph
Preserve your memories, they’re all that’s left you

~ Simon And Garfunkel


40 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi
    I was glad you suggested Snow Canyon, I had a few other people suggest it, too, since I was in the area. It IS beautiful, and if I didn’t want hook-ups the other campground probably would have been perfect. Next time I’m in the area in warmer weather, I’d definitely check it out again. 🙂 Thanks for following Me and Katie! 🙂

  2. Wonderful! Re: the “Do I really have time to write a blog?”, it serves so many fabulous purposes: documenting your travels, sharing with friends, keeping up with family and… reflection time for yourself.

  3. Winter spring summer or fall. All you got to do is call. Look up my blog Rv stroke survivor. Maybe we’ll meet out on the road this summer.

  4. On the road again…..we own an Itasca Navion and are beginning our retirement dream of traveling the country whenever we can. My husband found your blog and sent it on to me. Best wishes and safe travels.

  5. Came upon your blog thru Journey Woman. Have been thinking of doing the RV traveling alone for a few years. Seeing the many nat’l parks and beautiful areas of our country is on my bucket list. Have been divorced, remarried, and now a widow…and over 60. Very mechanical and capable and…fearless. 🙂
    I do have two med-sized dogs, however, and wonder if it would be good with
    and for them. They are 8. May I ask…~your age range?…and do you have
    pets. (Haven’t read your whole blog yet).
    I have done much traveling in my life…in US and int’l. Also, have the means
    to buy an RV, go and do. Perhaps my age is making me hesitate?…or trying
    to think about possibilities too much. (I tend to over analyze)

    Your thoughts are appreciated. MR

    • Mary Rose — Thanks so much for your nice comment! I am 59 yo, turning 60 this year, but I see all ages out on the road. There are many women over 60 who are “living a dream.” I say as long as you feel good, age should never be a limiting factor! I do not have pets, but I am the rare exception. Most RVers have cats or dogs. I would say as long as they can get up and down the stairs in the rig, they would be fine. I have a solo woman camped next to me now with two medium size dogs, and they do great. I would say that you are making a good start…doing research by reading blogs of others who are doing what you want to do. That is how I started as well. Many of them share openly their finances, their pros and cons of their rigs, and the challenges and rewards of the road. A good source for more blogs than you can possibly read is http://www.hitchitch.com. Read some of the blog descriptions and find someone in your demographic, and start to follow. It will help you make your own decisions, but I say GO FOR IT! I have never been happier in my life!

  6. Hello! Thank you so much for including our craft brewery and pub in your recent blog post! We’re honored. May I ask that you correct the name of our establishment? It’s “Old Schoolhouse Brewery” as opposed to “School House Brewery.” Thanks again!

    Joseph Weaver
    Front of House Manager

  7. Hi ! I have enjoyed reading your blog and your beautiful pics. I am
    Looking for the same rig as yours. Someday I will find it. My
    Husband passed away 2013. We had been on the road 3 to 6 months
    Of the year. I got into Wheeling It blog and find we had so many great
    Memories on the road. The grandkids will keep me as a part-time traveler.
    But as they get older their schedules are so hectic. My black lab will
    Be great company. Very nice blog. Will enjoy following you.

  8. Just found your blog through Metamorphosis Road and I’m thrilled with your journey, your attitude, your guiding metaphors, and photographs. Thank you for taking the precious time to write and share. I am also of a certain age and push myself to continue adventuring. I share my time with husband and dog in our RV full-time. I also write my blog to help me preserve the memories of my experiences. I look forward to reading more as we go.

  9. Love your blog. I especially like your post on Hippie Hollow. You’re right it is more hollow than hip. My wife and I were there recently and were quite disappointed to see how low the lake level was to say nothing about how commercialized everything has become. I was there last time in the late 70’s with some college buds from Rice. Things have sure changed a lot since then. Wish I had the guts to bag it all like you and take to the road to experience this wonderful country before I am too old to enjoy it anymore. Alas, too many cares and responsibilities. So Until then, I will live vicariously through your blogs. We are kindred spirits. Keep up the living on that county road.

      • I
        I kept a growler from the “Ouray Brewery” when we were there in 2014. Suggested to the owner they should have some reference to Colorado as although this town is like heaven on earth not everyone knows it’s in Colorado. Also liked the ” Million Dollar Highway” on that adventure.

        Pam & Dave

  10. Hi! Nice blog
    I was just bummin’ around on the solo sites tonight, and came across it.
    Leaving Phx , in April for full time gig on the road, if it all works out. I’ve got an older Pace Arrow, 33.5 but it’s way too big for just me and my little guy , Bud.
    Going to try to get into another Class C , maybe about 24-27″ ,and set it up with solar before I head out.
    Anyway, seeing you like music, I thought I’d post the album and first song that I always pop in whenever I head out of town.
    Hope you enjoy it.

    • Thanks, Marco — I haven’t thought about the Flying Burrito Bros since Austin days, hanging out at the Armadillo World Headquarters. Thanks for the comment, and for the memory!

  11. Hmmm , Maybe we ought to meet up on the road sometime.
    My first little sojourn will be to visit the natural hot springs in The Sierra Nevadas

  12. I knew you before and am pleased to know you again through your blog. You were happy before but are for sure a lot happier now. JT will have written a song sometime to reflect this.

  13. Hello Steve, I was told by my boss/best friend, that I was on your web page. Well let me tell you Steve I love what you do, keep up the great adventure. I always try to help out in all that I can, and give directions as well as good advice, from trouble shoot customers Laptops, to helping in finding a place to stay.
    When you come back to Mago’s, the Latte is on me.. Great Blessings, and Great Travels,


  14. Love this,,,you are living my dream. Soon,very soon. I will be living through you for a bit longer. JT is the perfect travel partner.

  15. Your Point Cabrillo pictures and words are a joy. You have a rare eye for composition.
    As a volunteer for the PCLK / Point Cabrillo Lightkeepers Association, I have a Google Alert for our namesake. You have a photograph with this text below it:
    Giving the Light Station some competition for architectural appeal are the recently restored Keeper’s Quarters.
    Would you please allow us to use this image with proper photo credit in our promotional materials?
    Thanks for your consideration,

    • Doug, I am absolutely honored! You made my day. Please feel free to use the photo in any way that supports the Point Cabrillo lighthouse. Thank you for asking. Suzanne

  16. I just read your blog “It’s all about the layers.” This is my first time reading your blog and love the pictures and your writing. It motivated me even more to try again the same hike you did which I had to abort last month. I will definitely come back to your website and read the rest of your blogs.

  17. You boggle my mind! At first I thought umm, she must be a 40 year old with all that energy, but seems your my age. I need to think about that if Im bored with my life now I might be in an RV. If I sell the house and truck (Im 62 years old) I would have about $220,000 and 19,000/year from early Social Security and that’s it. Yikes…Should I jump?

    • Hi, Jack. I would never give anyone advice, particularly when dealing with finances. I will say, my monthly budget is around $2,400, but I am pretty sure I spend more lavishly than most full timers. I have read of some who do it on less than $1,000 a month. But I like to eat out, go to movies, and probably visit more tourist attractions than most. The lifestyle is more fun than I ever imagined, but I am a wanderer and a loner at heart, so it differs according to what type of things make you happy. I would ask myself that question rather than look at it as a solution for boredom. Thanks for the comment.

  18. I quickly scrolled down to thank you and encourage further blogging. For the last 10 years, my mother’s progression into dementia has consumed my life. She passed in January at age 95 with the love and respect she earned. I wouldn’t do differently. Your solo RV’ing has been my dream for more than 15 years but my career kept me office bound. Your blog filled me with beautiful photos of places I had never been. I found your blog during your trip to Astoria, OR where I was born. I lived vicariously through your photos. Sometimes I felt I was riding on your shoulders with the creative angles of your photos. Now 5 years into retirement and recent life changes have opened up new choices. Realistically, my physical abilities and age for solo RV’ing were the best 10 years ago. So, I am delighted beyond words to learn that you will continue to take me places I have never heard of or seen. I can choose other travel modes to personally satisfy my wanderlust. And finally, your personal thoughts touch my thinking and I can brainstorm from a chair overlooking water, a mountain range and beautiful sunsets. You are inspirational!

  19. So glad you found me as you are doing and have done some things that are very interesting to me. The RV thing has always been in the back of my mind, and now I am learning quite a bit vicariously about what I might or might not want to do about that idea as our son and his fiancee have now been full-time RVers for six weeks. Their plan is for six months, but we shall see … they are still game, but the early weeks were fraught with problems.

    On other fronts, it was fun to read your music story in my comment section, and I saw on a list you have going above that Madagascar is on there. I am heading there in 9 days! (And I fly through Ethiopia both ways but will only have a short time to see anything.) I look forward to reading about you and your travels!

  20. Suzanne,

    I can not tell you how often I think of you. It has been so long since we spoke and I decided to search for you online. What a delightful surprise to find this site and to see you doing what you dreamed. You are a rock-star!

    All my best,

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