Giving Thanks for Places Like Heaven and Hell

This has been my home for the past two weeks. I am surrounded by some of the most beautiful views of bluffs, mesas, striated rock of all the colors in an artist palette that change hourly with the angle of the sun. I have only visited places like this in the past while on vacation, usually paying $100 per night for the privilege of “A Room with a View.” So to be able to call a place such as this “home” for the past two weeks has just been a little slice of heaven. I have much to be thankful for on this day!boondocking spot IMG_2498 IMG_2503

I am also feeling a great sense of appreciation for the friendships I have made this year. As a self-proclaimed “loner” and an introvert, this traveling community has been the greatest surprise about this lifestyle. I have come to appreciate the types of friendships that develop among fellow full and part timers. Because of the nomadic lifestyle, there is no time for formalities. No expectations or conditions to meet. Just coming together with like minded people for pure, unadulterated fun for however long it lasts, knowing the course of our lives can be altered as little or as much as the desire dictates. This to me is the true sense of “freedom” that I have longed for all my life.

I have been accused of being a “Pollyanna” in the past, only talking about the positive aspects of this stripped down, simplified, nomadic lifestyle. But I join the ranks of so many in saying, “My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.” However, as one who started at 58, I will also say, I am grateful I started when I did, as the past two years have been among the most rewarding in my life this far.

And while on the subject of “Giving Thanks,” this is an every day practice for me, as Mom instilled at a very young age, “Health is Wealth!” I have friends and family who are less fortunate, and I trust their bodies are well on the mend, and life will taste even sweeter as a result.

As one who enjoys being alone, I have spent the past 10 Thanksgiving holidays in solitude. The four day weekend has always been a blessed relief from clients, bosses, co-workers, and the mayhem that came with a very “high voltage” job. However, on the heels of my recent retirement, those elements have been removed from my life, so I seem to be enjoying “community” more than I ever have before.

I have been invited to the “Thanksgiving Feast” by my hiking buddies, Mark and Bobbie, and the Souva family, John Jr, Ellen, and John III. I have graciously accepted their invite, and am looking forward to the fellowship. And the pie. 😉

I wish you all a wonderful day full of heavenly smells from the kitchen, laughter from those you love, and the promise of freedom to live your life in the way that makes your heart sing.

And now, some pictures of a heavenly hike from a place called “Hell Hole.” Which turned out to be anything but…

“Hell Hole” Hike, near St. George, Utah

Forward March to Hell Hole!

Forward March to Hell Hole!

Mark picks out his favorite tee shirt colors from the sage bushes...

Mark picks out his favorite tee shirt colors from the sage bushes…


John and Ellen Souva, our hiking companions.

John and Ellen Souva, our hiking companions.

Reflections from Hell Hole

Reflections from Hell Hole

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That Bobbie is relentless!

That Bobbie is relentless!

13 thoughts on “Giving Thanks for Places Like Heaven and Hell

  1. It is so thrilling to read these words. As a life-long introverted bookworm, bordering on recluse, I found that RV’ing also coaxed out a bit of gregariousness in me. I’m still more comfortable with a book, or these days, a keyboard and screen, but hope to one day be able to mingle more. I am reveling in your posts (and pictures!). ;->

    Virtual hugs,


  2. From your posts I can sense that you are having a whale of a time and thats great. With hindsight you would have done all this earlier, but then would you have had the experiences leading up to the present time, that enables you appreciate your current lifestyle? I’m a firm believer in that we are what we are now because of everything that’s gone before.

    We dont have Thanksgiving here, although we do seem to have taken on board Black Friday, if the adverts are anything to go by. The festival we have that’s closest to Thanksgiving is the Harvest Festival, but with climate changes, eating habits changing, agricultural patterns changing, thats not celebrated the same as it was 50 years ago.

    This park must be one of the best in the USA. …..and as usual great pictures. Thanks.

  3. Happy day to you! I am thankful that you have created such a fascinating blog, great writing, fantastic photos and captivating back stories, for me to follow. Hope we get to hike sometime soon.

  4. Judie Ashford’s comment – “Ditto.” Is there any other way of life that allows us the ability to meet so many wonderful people, yet gives us the solitude we need?

    I love those rocks – so many different colors in the different lights. Totally different in the morning than in the Aspen glow colors of the evenings. I first saw them when driving through Utah and absolutely couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but they also have them in New Mexico and other states. Coming from California, they are totally different than our mountains there. As I drove through Utah, I kept thinking, “Why didn’t I ever know about this before?”

    Happy Thanksgivings to you, from me and Katie! Enjoy your friends, dinner, and PIE! 🙂

  5. Lovely pictures, my friend. It is not always alone time that I crave, but I have realized it is the quiet time that I miss so. In a house there seem to be so many competing noises that grate on my nerves. TVs (yes more than one), radios, neighbors, traffic, music, voices and animals. It seems that as I get older I have greater difficulty screening out the layers of noise that are so distracting. I feel at such peace when out in the wilderness. Can’t wait to be at one with the wilderness again. Glad you are enjoying it!!

  6. Mark picks out his favorite tee shirt colors from the sage bushes…

    Hahaaa … love your words and pictures, Suzanne…. Happy day after Thanksgiving …

    pie? you say? …. well… I had not made by me homemade ~ pecan pie with real whipped cream … whipped before my very eyes… dang! I wanted to lick the beater but my son was standing near me … MOOOOOOM ~ rats, busted
    I sure did … 😉

  7. Oh sweetie what a fab post. Just want to thank you for being a part of my life this past year. You will never know how much it has meant to me. So carry on and move from adventure to adventure and new experience to new friend etc. and just enjoy living life in the moment. I so look forward to next years thanksgiving post.

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