Blowing Hueco…

Never in my brief nomadic life have I experienced wind like I did at Hueco Tanks State Park. Relentless, constant, wearing, psychologically taxing wind, all day and throughout the night. I was in a gorgeous campsite, but there was no sense in trying to sit outside the rig. The first day, I took my Caesar salad out to dine “al fresco,” but my romaine lettuce was taking flight faster than I could eat it. Continue reading

Hi-Ho, Hueco…

It’s off to work I go…

I have just finished up two straight weeks of blissful vacation, where I rambled and roamed to my hearts content.  I visited three National Parks, found ten things to love about Big Bend, climbed the highest mountain in Texas, and discovered pitfalls in the Bat Cave.  I had so much fun on this vacation, yet I spent less money than any vacation ever. Continue reading