“It’s like DISNEYLAND!”

Box Canyon Mark and Bobbie have been everywhere, and have mental files of boondocking spots and scenic hikes that would rival any travel publication.  So when Mark says “It’s one of my most favorite hikes,” I take note.

It’s over Jim’s celebratory birthday lunch when Mark makes his pitch.  “Hear me out.  I know of a place you would love.  It’s a long drive, and we would have to get an early start, but it is one of the most fun hikes ever.  It’s like Disneyland!” Continue reading

Where the Antelope Play…

Page, Arizona is a little one-horse town established back in 1955 to support the building of the Glen Canyon Dam.  There is nothing much here but a lot of budget motels and fast food restaurants, with one lone Walmart for shopping.  But the abundance of beauty on all sides is what caused me to choose Page over Kanab, UT, the equidistant town from the Wave hike.

“Sandfall” in Upper Antelope Canyon

One of the main attractions was my desire to explore the Antelope Slot Canyon. Continue reading