Mountains, Missions, and One Massive Monolith

We make one last stop before leaving the Huasteca Potosina region at the Sotano Golindrinas, or Cave of the Swallows.  Falling just six feet short of being 1,000 ft wide at it’s widest point, this air pit cave is over 1,200 ft drop from its highest karst ridge overhead, making it (according to wikipedia) “the largest known cave shaft in the world.”  Although swarms of birds are reported, Continue reading

A New Meaning to “Concrete Jungle”

As we continue our southerly loop around the Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda, we stop in the Pueblo Magico, or “Magic Town” of Xilitla.   I have written about Mexico’s Magic Town campaign before, whereby towns are chosen by the Department of Tourism for their natural beauty, cultural riches, or historical relevance.  I make it my goal to see as many as I can, because each offers up some gem of interest or beauty usually worthy of an out of the way stop. Continue reading

Dangerous Curves

Traveling with Don is always an adventure, as he is not content to take the road “most traveled.”   You can always be sure there is going to be some wild and crazy adventure involved, even if it is just a day trip.  And since he speaks better Spanish than me as well as being the “alpha dog” in the family, I am always eager to follow.

This time, it was to discover another one of Mexico’s “Pueblo Magicos,” Continue reading