Cruel, Cruel Carlotta…

Imagine, if you will, lying on the most idyllic, secluded beach. Crescent in a shape reminiscent of the thumbnail of a new moon. Flanked on both sides by lush, verdant green cliffs.

Beach bed swing at Bahia de la Luna

You have an exclusive on the beach “swing bed,” a full size mattress covered in crisp clean white sheets and surrounded on all four sides by  billowy white sheer curtains fluttering in the salty sea air.  Continue reading

A Condo Made o’ Stone-O

Just a few miles outside of the city of Oaxaca are two archaeological sites recommended as “don’t miss” side trips:  Both reported to be fine examples of pre-Columbian, Mesoamerican architecture, the ruins of the Zapotec city of Monte Alban and Mitla can all be seen in one full day.  However, since we were on a “whirlwind tour,” trying to make as much fit into my corporate-structured-two-week-time-off-for-good-behavior as possible, I didn’t have a full day to spare.  I had to make a choice between one or the other.  It was a tough decision, but I went with Monte Alban. Continue reading